Fright Night - Good Horror Comedy Movie's been a while since the last time I did Movie Review in this blog. Haven't been watching movies lately. Okay, lucky me, these few days back, me and my friends went for a lil escapade from boredom and we went to watch movie. No planning, just pick a random movie based on the posters. Huhu. Fright Night grabbed our attention and we went to watch this movie. At first, my friends and I thought that this is a horror movie, based on the poster but apparently it is a horror comedy movie. Never mind the genre, we went to watch it(tickets already bought,duhhh). Here is a little synopsis of this movie. It is about a vampire who live in a neighborhood and killing the people in that area for blood, the rest you have to watch okay? :p This is a very nice movie, horror but comedy at the same time. My friends and I enjoyed it very much, we laughed and also terrified throughout the movie. I rate this movie 3.5/5 peeps. PEaCE! p/s:the vampire is quite veteran but still is a...