2011 Most Powerful Celebs

Hello again readers. Last time I did share about The most Powerful Celebs in the world and here is the most current names for it. As usual, the Most Powerful Celebs are being analyzed from few different criteria among others are the money the earned in the current year, the achievements the made, number of fans, records sales and also few others that I don't really know. Huhu. So, according to Forbes.com, these are the Top 10 Most Powerful Celebs of 2011. 1. Lady Gaga Earnings: $90 M Web Rank: #1 Press Rank: #2 Social Rank: #1 TV/Radio Rank: #3 2. Oprah Winfrey Earnings: $290 M Web Rank: #13 Press Rank: #7 Social Rank: #13 TV/Radio Rank: #1 3. Justin Bieber Earnings: $53 M Web Rank: #2 Press Rank: #8 Social Rank: #3 TV/Radio Rank: #4 4. U2 Earnings: $195 M Web Rank: #16 Press Rank: #10 Social Rank: #17 TV/Radio Rank: #59 5. Elton John Earnings: $100 M Web Rank: #28 Press Rank: #19 Social Rank: #...