Top 10 Superhero Of All Time

Hey peeps. How r u guys doin? Hope everybody is doing just fine. Anyway, my entry this time is about the Top 10 Superhero of all time. Superhero movies are everywhere and usually a box office cuz we just love heroes aren't we? Everybody loves the feeling of being saved once in a while. Huhu. So, among all the superheroes out there, these are the 10s most memorable superheroes of all time. Enjoy!! 1. THOR This blonde dude is the biggest superhero of all time for me. He's a demi God. Of course human can't beat him right. Huhu. 2. IRON MAN The toughest superhero around made it to no 2. I'm sure most of you guys agree. 3. SUPERMAN Who can ever forget our long time superhero like Superman? Though he's not from around here but still he is keeping us safe. 4. BATMAN This legendary superhero don't really possessed special ability like other superheroes around but who needs superpower when you got tech on your side. 5. SPIDERMAN Though this...