Top 10 Female Butt Kicker

1. Milla Jovovich Milla Jovovich is the definite number one butt kicker on the silver screen. Starring Resident Evil movie franchise as the main character, Alice, Milla has been kicking countless of butts for 10 years. She also starred in the movie "UltraViolet". This girl is not one to be messed with for sure! 2. Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie is a HUGE name in Hollywood and she has been known her butt kicker reputation which made her at number two on this list. Starring movies including Mr&Mrs Smith, Tomb Raider, Salt and Wanted shows her ability in kicking butt and still playing it sexy. 3. Kate Beckinsale This vampire has been starring the Underworld movie franchise as the lead character and is very familiar in butt kicking arena. Kate Beckinsale is at number three for giving a good acting as vampire and her fighting scenes are amazingly convincing. 4 Michelle Rodriguez Michelle Rodriguez might not...