Britney's concert - Enrique out, Minaj in.

Britney Spears is busy touring all over the world now and she is planned to tour for her concert at San Francisco. Just after hours of Britney announcing that she will be touring with the Spanish heart-throb, Enrique Iglesias, Enrique pulled out. Due to several reasons that are still remain unknown, Enrique is said to pull out from touring with Britney because he thought he is not good enough to be Brit's concert opener. Haha. I found it very funny for an artist to think that way. However, Enrique is also said to have conflict regarding the contract.
Nevermind then, if Enrique does not want to open for Britney, Nicky Minaj will. Minaj, who is known for her outrageous style and music is pleased to know that she will be touring with Britney Spears this summer."I am beyond thrilled to tour with Britney," she told MTV in a statement. "It's an honor. She's an icon. This summer will be one for the books!"

p/s: I would kill for the opportunity to tour with Britney Spears!


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