SimplySiti Promo Tour - Jusco Aeon Bandaraya Melaka

Hello again readers. On the last 23rd July 2011, Dato' Siti Nurhaliza set foot on the floor of Jusco Aeon Bandaraya Melaka for the promo of her own line of cosmetic, SimplySiti. The promo took place at Watson in the Jusco and was scheduled at 12 p.m. Dato' Siti arrived at almost 1 o'clock though(don't mind that, Melaka is a busy city) and quickly made her way to the Watson to meet and greet with the fans/customers of SimplySiti. I was there too but not as a customer, just a mere fan and curious blogger. Haha. I did managed to take several photos of Dato' Siti when she arrives and also photos of the event. A bit disappointed that we need to buy some cosmetics to take picture with Dato' Siti but never mind, seeing her in person was great enough. Hehe. Here are some of the photos that I took, thanks to my housemate, Gapa for lending me his DSLR camera that day. :) Enjoy.PEACE!

p/s:Thanks to my roommate, Azril for accompanying me even though he didn't look interested at first. Huhu.

-Dato' Siti at the entrance-
-She walks like an angel-
-Checking around for a while-
-OMG!Dato' Siti is looking at me!!-
-AWWWW..She looks again-
-Pose for the fans-
-Wish I can sit on that empty chair-
-Looking busy but enjoying her every seconds-
-the fans/customers who were very eager to meet Dato' Siti-


fadlisabri said…
Wahhh....Siti dtg melaka...negeri aku!!hehe..=)
Coffee Sesh said… melaka rupenye.pegi jumpe x? :p
Unknown said…
haha..alah ruginye xthu plak siti dtg melaka..sobs~
fadlisabri said…
x pown...

belom blik msia g...
Fiq Fikri said…
macam kenal jew mamat yg pakai bju hitam tu..
aku salah tgk ke ape?ahahah...
Coffee Sesh said…
nadzirah:xpe2..nnti saya akan cube update Dato' Siti ade kt mne ea.hehehe..anyways,thanks sbb komen. :)
fadli:owh,lupe lak kt egypt kn.haha
Coffee Sesh said…
owh ya...the same guy la pulak.hahaha

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