"Finding Dory" Most Hilarious Animation of 2016 To Date! - Movie Review

So I had the chance to watch "Finding Dory" yesterday, after long queue of people at the ticket counters that is. In case you did not know, "Finding Dory" is a sequel from the all time successful animation "Finding Nemo" which released in 2003. If you watch "Finding Nemo" you would know that Dory is a fish that suffered from short term memory lost who helped Marlin, a clown fish to find his son, Nemo who got caught by a person. This time around, it's Marlin and Nemo who had to find Dory who happened to remember about her family and went on to find them.

Just like any other Disney Pixar animation, this one here is super funny. It even starts with a funny and cute short movie of little bird learning on how to find its meal. It's super cute it makes all the audience (including myself) to "aweee" several times. Ok moving on, I really enjoy this movie. I have been cracking up laughing all the way through the movies like a freaking retards and I am not even sorry. I mean everybody does the same. You just cant help but to laugh at every scenes. It also has some touching scenes like when Dory finally found her parents and when she's about to give up and stuff like that. I personally like that Octopus (Septipus as Dory calls it). He is freaking funny with acrobatic and camouflage things. The scene where it grabs a coffee pot and drinks out of it cracks me up real good. I am still laughing every time I remember that scene.

If you're into animation movies, please go and watch this one. It's a brilliant movie with good messages and makes a great family movie as well. Everyone can enjoy this movie. I give this movie 5/5 because it is super awesome! Watch the trailers here to get you pumping before the movie!


khai artzfar said…
Maybe we can watch it for the 2nd time ! or download for me please >_<

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