Britney Spears and Selena Gomez Working on a New Song?

Are you a fan of the queen of pop, Britney Spears? Are you a fan of the ever sexy pop sensation, Selena Gomez? Ever dream of both them working on a duet? Well good news to you all pop lovers, it might as well HAPPEN! So Selena actually posted a video saying that she "technically" had done a duet with Miss Britney Spears on the song "Hands", tribute to Orlando victims.

The video then posted n Selena Gomez fan page on Twitter, @SelenaFanClub mentioning Britney and you guessed it, the queen actually replied!

Awhhh YESS!

Britney Spears has always known to love Selena Gomez and Selena Gomez also is a big fan of Britney herself. So please God just make this collabo happen already! Lol. Anyway, do you guys think the collabo should happen or not? Just let me know in the comment box below. PEACE!


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