Fashion Obsession.......

Fashion, it is one thing that we all want to be in. Fashion distinguishes a person from another in a sea of people and it acts like some sort of a benchmark for distinguishing the 'cool' ones with the 'not-so-cool' ones. But, what if fashion becomes an obsession? Well usually, when fashion becomes obsession, the results will be weird-looking and appeared somewhat gaudy and hideous. I googled for weird fashions yesterday and these are among the weirdest fashions I managed to find. Anyway, we just can't stop fashion right? :p. I have a funny feeling saying that we might be seeing one of these fashions in Gaga in the future.Hahaha.

P/s: Lady Gaga also featured as result of my search. How "Suprising"..hahaha.


sarina azmi said…
kau mmg diva! semua tahu!haha

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