Vocal Powerhouse

Listening to a good vocal performance is never tiring especially the one who perform it is our own favorite vocalist. There are quite a numbers of vocalists out there who can actually sing live in front of audiences whereas, others might find it possible just to mime along the music(Ouchh Britney). I've watched some videos in Youtube of celebrities singing live. Well, some does blew me away like the one from Leona Lewis, Celine Dion, Siti Nurhaliza and Lady Gaga. Maybe Gaga is a pop singer but that doesn't mean she does not have a great vocal. For those who have watched her videos performing live should know about it. Among my favourite vocalists of all time are Leona Lewis(she sing live just like recording!), Celine dion(she can still sing live well), Siti Nurhaliza, Faizal Tahir, Lady Gaga(she can sing live well okay) and Aizat.

I just love to see them sing live. Watch this video of Leona Lewis performing live at the XFactor. Really amazing! enjoy. :)


i still love britney..dont care whether she can sing live or not she's my superstars...
rihanna n katy perry pun xleh nyanyi live gak..hancus!!
azrilizuan said…
LOVE leona lewis! Vocal wrestler! :)
LoLeEtA gOtHiCa said…
anis: ur soo true anis..

to main: i do love celine when she sings live, gives me goostbumps everytime she opens her mouth.. and beyonce ! dont u just like beyoncee ! when she sings "flaws and all" on degeneres show.. the first time ive heard it, brings tears to my eyes, seriously !

Coffee Sesh said…
anis:ya...a true fan rite.i love Britney too btw.
Loleeta: Beyonce is a good singer too but i much prefer Leona Lewis. :)

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