Lady Gaga Latest Single "You and I"

Hello peeps. How are you guys doin?
Lady Gaga has released a brand new single titled "You and I" from her latest album "Born This Way". This single, the fourth after the "Edge of Glory" is a slow pop song with a lil bit of metal touch in it. I shall say that this song is good song, another good one by Gaga. I gave the song a good listen this afternoon and yah, this is surely a very easy song to be loved. Just give it a hear first and I'm sure you guys will agree. Hehe. Peace! :)


fadlisabri said…
Love this song..her voice is superb!
Cant wait the video clips!=)
Coffee Sesh said…
hehe.same here.cant wait for the video clip.wanna see wat will Gaga brings for us. :P
h a i z am said…
I heard this once when Haley Reinhart nailed it! awesome.
Coffee Sesh said…
owh...such a nice song rite? :)

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