Megan Fox VS Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Hey peeps.
The popular Transformer:Dark of The Moon is surely a great movie. That is beyond doubt rite? The popular movie has delivers massive impacts on the film-making world especially for its amazingly realistic CGI and action scenes. Due to the fact that the movie is so famous, the exchange of its former heroin, Megan Fox was also has been very controversial and get the fans talking about it.

The role of the heroin in the third trilogy of Transformer was held by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, a former model for Victoria's Secret and Burberry. I can hear a lot of voices saying that they much prefer Megan Fox rather than Rosie and I also read in one magazine where the writer expresses his dissatisfaction for the replacement of Megan Fox. But, does Rosie really that bad? To me, her acting is not that bad. I could see her sincerity in her acting and I think she justified her character quite well. However, if you ask me to choose either Rosie or Megan Fox, I would surely go for Megan Fox. In terms of hotness and sexiness, I would also rather Megan Fox than Rosie :p. So, who do you think win this battle of the queen of Transformer? Share your feedback with me k. Peace! :)

p/s: for more battle, check the R-VERSUS in the Categories of Gossips of the left side of the blog okay? :)


megan fox megan fox..
Coffee Sesh said…
fadlisabri said…
of coz laaa megan fox!!=)
Coffee Sesh said…
no vote for rosie ek?pity her.huhu.
Izzul Amir said…
hahaha dugaan bulan puasa betul gambar2 ni
Coffee Sesh said…
greeny:haha...okok.1 vote for rosie then. further comment lah.hahaha.

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