Gangnam Style - The World Most Viewed Video!

After few weeks racing with Justin Bieber's "Baby", "Gangnam Style" finally got its lead and now is officially the Most Viewed Video in history of Youtube! It is so amazing that within months(this video was uploaded in July), this video gathered more than 806 million views so far leaving "Baby" 3 million views behind. Maybe it's because, P.S.Y ride a horse while Bieber moonwalk through the race that P.S.Y can quickly catch up. Haha. I believe it is not impossible that Gangnam Style will be the first ever video to get 1 billion hit in the history if music! All the best to P.S.Y for his career and I just can't wait for him to give us "Gangnam Style 2.0" soon! Anyway, let's watch this video again, it is so addictive I can't stop!

p/s: Oppa Gangnam Style!


HG said…
I saw u in this video clip. :)

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