Malaysia's Most Beautiful Women Top 20 (2012)

Malaysia, the country with mix races surely occupied by many beautiful faces. With that taken into account, our celebrities database also filled with mix races celebrities. With so many gorgeous faces there are, making it super hard to choose who should and should not make it into the list of top 20. After careful (really careful) considerations and helps from many pair of eyes, here are the top 20 celebrities who made it to the list.

1. Emma Maembong

2. Carmen Soo

3. Nora Danish

4. Neelofa

5. Juliana Evans

6. Tasha Shila

7. Maya Karin

8. Izara Aisyah

9. Diana Danielle

10. Siti Nurhaliza

11. Lisa Surihani

12. Natasha Hudson

13. Hannah Tan

14. Deborah Henry

15. Tiz Zaqyah

16. Fazura

17. Erra Fazira

18. Rozita Che Wan

19. Fasha Sandha

20. Mizz Nina


LC Althea said…
dik, natasha hudson kn dh bertudung. xelok paparkan gmba lama dia rasa nya. ;)
Coffee Sesh said…
hehe gambar ni cntik. :p anyways thanks for the visit. :)
namaku semah. said…
Tasha shila cantik tapi aku tak pernah expect pon dia no 6. aku agak dia no 16 serius. tapi yang penting bawah tiz zaqyah lah heheh. macam kau lupa sorang, wawa zainal?
Coffee Sesh said…
Wawa zainal ade dlm sesi perbincangan. Die no 21. Haha. Tuhanku for teh bisik. :)

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