Gwen Stefani's This Is What The Truth Feels Like - Album Review

Gwen Stefani is back with her new #1 solo album "This Is What The Truth Feels Like". It has been 10 years since Gwen's last solo album and good for her, she came back with a bang! The album opens with 84,000 equivalent album sales (pure album sales + streaming) in its first week. As the title goes, the album was based on Gwen's emotional roller coaster from the end of her relationship with former husband and what she felt during that probably gruesome period. It receives good critics over the honesty portrayed through the songs. So, with the album in hands, I would like to review the album my way. Now lets get started.

The deluxe version comes with 17 songs on board. Im gonna start with the good. The album starts off with "Misery". I like this song. It is a very good opening song for the album and very good to get you in the mood to listen to the rest of the album. Moving on, "You're My Favourite" is a radio friendly music and it channels mainstream pop. Something that we used to listen to on the radio most of the time. "Make Me Like You" is another radio friendly song in this album. It has catchy chorus and hooks people can easily get in their head. Other than that, "Send Me A Picture" is the song that all teens can definitely relate to. Lol. Plus it is upbeat and even made me dance a little to it. Not to mention its very catchy chorus. "Truth" is a breath of fresh air from Gwen. The music is soothing and very easy to listen to. Next we have "Loveable"; catchy song with deep lyrics. It's like a revenge song for whoever she directed the song to. With lyrics like "Cant you handle it someone else on my lips?", Gwen is taking back her pride and shove it to the guys arse! If you feel like dancing, "Where Would I Be" is the one for you. At some part of the song, it reminds me of Gwen's classic "Rich Girl".

Moving on to the so-so part. Even though "Used To Love You" is the lead single of this album, it didn't do it for me. It is an okay song but not that powerful to drive the whole album. But I can see where the song comes from. "Naughty" and "Obsessed"are both radio typical songs. Catchy but not the type of songs people will remember for long. "Rare" is Gwen's typical but in a good way. It does not offers much but can still be enjoyed.

In every bunch, there must be rotten ones. As for this album, "Red Flag" and "Asking 4 It (feat. Fetty Wap) are the rotten ones (at least to me). Both are kinda hip hop and didn't do it for Gwen. "Red Flag" sounds like Iggy Azalea's "Work" and it definitely will suit Iggy way more. But, I gotta give credit to Gwen for her rapping attempts in the song. "Me Without You" takes the wheel and drives the album back to its original course away from the hip hop deviation. Thank goodness because I was starting to feel a bit let down by the hip hop part. I am not against Hip-Hop music but I just think that Hip-Hop music is not for Gwen.

All in all, "This Is What The Truth Feels Like" is a very good album. I'm glad that I took the time to review the album as I really enjoyed listening to it. Time flies so fast I didn't even notice it took me around 1 hour to listen to the whole album. So Imma give this album 4/5. It definitely deserves that #1 and total recommendation for you music lovers out there. Catch some of her songs down there and enjoy. PEACE!

P/S: If you've listened to this album, lemme know what you guys think ya. :)


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