10 Most Beautiful Celebs -Female-

Hello peeps. How r u guys doin? Today I feel like sharing my top 10 most beautiful female celebs with you guys. But just to let you guys know, this is solely based own my on preferences. The listed female celebs r ranked by me according to the;
1)Looks(off course)
4)People's opinion
5)My own liking(hehehe :p)
But, just to remind you again,this is solely based on me, so, nothing personal ok. Just wanna share the female celebs that to me r most beautiful. Hope you guys like it. Peace!

1)Taeyeon SNSD

2)Yoona SNSD

3)Britney Spears

4)Angelina Jolie

5)Katy Perry

6)Siti Nurhaliza

7)Juliana Evans

8)Mizz Nina

9)Jessica Alba

10)Fasha Sandha


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