Gaga sued for $5 Million!

Hello again people. Been few days since I last updated my blog. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hehe.
Okay, now I'm back with a hot news. The popular "Born This Way" singer, Lady Gaga is facing a class action legal lawsuit. Gaga is being sued for $5 Million by the 1-800-LAW-FIRM for scamming money from the sale of her We Pray For Japan wristbands which should have gone to the victims of Japanese Earthquake. Gaga held a sale of wristband which she charged $5 each, another $3.99 and $0.60 both for shipping, handling and taxes. The money from the sale is suppose to go to the victims of Japanese Earthquake as promised by Lady Gaga earlier. Lady Gaga is also claimed that she inflated the costs and pocketed extra money from it and plus, she refused to reveal how much from the $5 that goes to the victims. Hurm...It is really shocking to know that Lady Gaga did all this rite? But, before assuming any further, let's wait and hear any statement from Lady Gaga later regarding this matter okay. Peace!


Coffee Sesh said…
rite..but if she really did that,I think Gaga is being very inappropriate.

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