Britney's latest music video is here now peeps! To all Brit's fans out there, this is a must-watch for you guys. Otherwise, stop calling yourself a fan ok? (P.A,u must watch this immediately!!!) :) This is another highly anticipated music video from Britney, following the amazing 'Hold It Against Me' and 'Till The World Ends' music videos from her addictive latest album 'Femme Fatale'. Like always, Brit looks amazingly gorgeous (it's funny how she keeps on looking prettier in every videos :p), it has nice story line, nice concept, nice gimmick. Easy put, everything is nice in this video. :) Maybe I'm saying this because I'm a fan but, I just can't find anything in the video that appear boring or lame to me. Brit looks fine from head to toe(love the pink element at the hair), the song is catchy and shall I say, a club-friendly song. Feel like dancing all whenever the song is on play. Hehehe. Anyway, I shall stop complimenting now or else I wouldn't stop. Thumbs up for Britney Spears. Reign your title back sistah! :)

p/s: I Wanna Go watch the video now. Tata :p


fadlisabri said…
Woww....<3 Britney!!=)~
damn u diva..siap perli P.A lagi ye...
i''watch it ady and as usual britney cantik gilerr!!
Coffee Sesh said…
fadli:yeayy <3 Britney too!
anis:it is just a reminder!

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