The Moment of Rebecca Black~

Hello readers. :) I've been quite busy lately and didn't get the chance to update my blog so, wanna apologize to all of ya for the inconvenience. Anyways, today I get the chance to add up new entry and so I wanna share with you guys about Rebecca Black. Rebecca Black's latest single, "My Moment" was released on the last 18th July 2011 and to date (24th July 2011), the video has received more than 15 million views already. God job Rebecca Black. This girl, who rises as Youtube sensation when her fantastic debut, "Friday" became the trend topic on Twitter and received over 150 million views since it was released(it's a shame that she deleted the video though :(). "My Moment" shows the maturity in the vocal of Rebecca Black, she sounded less nasal and yah, I like it but not as much as "Friday". Haven't heard it yet? Well, don't worry. Just click the play button above and give it a hear rite away and tell me what do you guys feel about it ok? Peace!

p/s:Let's see if the video can beat "Friday"'s views on Youtube ok? :p


fadlisabri said…
yeahh...this song is much better than friday..not as worse as friday!hehe...g0od improvement by RB!g0od luck to her for her future!
Coffee Sesh said…
really?i much prefer "Friday" actually cuz it is a fun song.hehe.but "My Moment" is not bad either. :)

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