Hey people. How r u guys doin? Hope everyone is doing good. Today I would like to share with you guys my review for Transformer: Dark Of The Moon. First of all, I know it's a bit too late for this but, I just managed to watch it yesterday. God knows how hard it was for us to get the ticket. I went to GSC Cinema last Friday(1st July) with my frens but we only get the chance to watch it on the next Friday(8th July) because in between, all of the tickets were sold out! Sure Micheal Bay and Steven Spielberg is making banks rite now for that. But never mind, at least I still get the chance to watch it in 3D. Okay, for the movie, even though I was not a fan at first but this Transformer:Dark Of The Moon really changed my mind. Now I'm a fan! Hahaha. It was surely worth the wait and all the hardship we went through(being dramatic a bit). I was blown away by the CGI, always did. How can they make it so real you know. Erm...story-line wise, I shall not comment a lot because I was not a follower since the beginning but to me it was nice. I barely notice that I sat on the chair for 2 hours and 50 minutes because it was a very good movie. A total recommendation to those craving for action movie. I rate this movie 5/5 people!!! For those who has not watch it, watch this trailer and I'm sure you will go straight to the cinema after that. :p

p/s: just wish that Megan Fox is in this movie instead of that girl.


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