Top 10 Most Beautiful Couple

Hey cute readers. There are a lot of famous celebrity couples out there in the entertainment world and seeing them always make their precious fans. You know, we will be happy if people we love are happy too rite? :p Anyways, let's head straight to the point shall we? These are the most beautiful couple of the entertainment industry currently as from my perspective. Huhu. Enjoy peeps. :)

1.Beyonce and Jay-Z

2.Angelina and Brad Pitt

3.Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher

4.Fergie and Josh Duhamel

5.Mizz Nina and Noh

6.David and Victoria Beckham

7.Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

8.Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

9.Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan

10.Dato' Sitinurhaliza and Dato' K


Unknown said…
mizz nina n noh pn trsenarai ek? hehe
Coffee Sesh said…
yup.dorg pown look cute together. :)
woah..! smuanya memang cute n hot. (^_^)
Coffee Sesh said…
wah,thanks aina yazid. :)
fadli,yg mne satu hot couple?
mikeyvio said…
ngeh3....ske miz nina n noh.
paling suke no 8..all hails robert pattinson and kristen stewart
p/s; kenape pic d'org plaing xcantik??
adah cakap:

xsuka josh duhamel & fergie, sorang pendek sorang tinggi.
gelinya selena gomez.
mizz nina & noh hujan..lg laa..
ei.. ct dgn dato k??

bukan aku cakap, adahh.....
Coffee Sesh said…
miss vivio:they look cute together rite?
anis:xcantik ke?sorry for the inconvenience.len kli saya letak yg cntik ye.
diba:hahaha.pada aku sume ni cute together. :)

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