Jessie J. is a copycat??

Hello cute readers. :) Today morning I woke up a bit early than usual to settle some stuff. So, due to that, I got the chance to listen to the morning crew on the radio(it's been a while -.-). One interesting gossip that I heard on the radio this morning is Jessie J., the singer who got famous for the song 'Price Tag' is a copycat. The popular single 'Price Tag' is similar to tween pop, Miley Cyrus's 'Party in the USA'. HOT!
So, after listening to the news, I gave that 'Price Tag' song another listen and to be frank, Yah, the song does has similarities, quite a lot of similarities with 'Part in the USA'.Bur, how far the claim is true, you decide it for yourself. Give it a listen here people and tell me what do you feel. Peace. :)


Coffee Sesh said…
That isn't quite right. Jessie J is CO-writer. Note that plis. :)

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