Special Entry : LOVE

Love, to me is very subjective
to me it is something so pure,
something special,
connection between two people.

It is funny how sometimes,
we might fall in love with someone with reason we can't even find,
fall in love with strangers,
fall in love at the first sight.

But, love is something that we can't define,
as love has its own definition,
differs from a person to another.

I don't need reason to love someone,
I don't need to pay to fall in love.

Love means letting go,and if he/she ever returns to you,
he/she is yours.
if not,he/she is never yours.
I've learn that to love someone is not simple,
is not easy,
is not minor,
is not funny,
but commitment.

Love means trust,
without trust,
relationship means nothing,
it is not pure,
it is full of doubts,
negative thoughts.
Learn to trust your partner,or else,
be ready to live in doubts.
TRUST is the main key.


ouh, rafiq suda menjadi jiwang? bravo !
Coffee Sesh said…
haha.hati ade taman juga ma. :p
Anonymous said…
wow.. we have same perspective about love ;)
Coffee Sesh said…
hello anonymous.huhu.glad to know others are thinking as i am. :)

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