Kung Fu Panda 2 : 100% SATISFACTION!

Hello people. :) The beginning of new semester is just around the corner and yes, I think I'm ready. A lil' bit of optimism doesn't hurt rite? Hehe. Okay, my friends and I went to GSC cinema Dataran Pahlawan yesterday to watch this awesome movie;Kung Fu Panda 2. Even though we didn't get the chance to watch in 3D, but all is forgiven because Kung Fu Panda 2 was awesome from the very beginning to the last minutes of it. First of all, yah, no doubt, it was super funny,can't stop laughing till now, super cool 3D animation, good story line,good fightings, and also there was a sad moment when baby Panda;Po was left by his mother. Almost cry on that one. Haha. Wanna read the synopsis, check this link out ok. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fu_Panda_2

Okay, Kung Fu Panda 2 was directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson(great job there buddy :)) with a total budget of USD150 million. Among famous voices in this movie are non-other than Jack Black himself as Po,the Dragon Warrior, Angelina Jolie as the Tiger, Michelle Yeoh as the Goat, Jackie Chan as the Golden Langur and Jean-Claude Van Damme as the Alligator. I gave this movie 5/5 stars! Total recommendation.


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