Lady Gaga is a copycat??

Hey there people. :)
As a fan of Lady Gaga, me myself were very suprise to see these videos that I would love to share with you guys. First of all, I thought Lady Gaga is a very talented and brave artist as no one had ever did anything like her before. But, apparently, I was wrong because there were few popular faces who had already did such thing like Gaga did. The only different between them and Gaga is that, Gaga made it hers and to be frank, I never ever notice that those artists ever wore anything like that. Huhu. But, I shall let you guys decide either you wanna think that Gaga is a copycat or not. To me, I'm not gonna say she is a copycat, but she is just inspired by them. Watch the videos and share your thoughts here people. Peace! :)

p/s:Anyway,fashion moves in a cycle. :)


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